Transcription Tool

The transcription tool makes it easy to transcribe speech from your audio recordings. Speech recognition provides you a first transcription proposal after which you can tweak the final transcription. Several export formats are available for further processing.

Features and functionalities

Basic GUI

You can upload media, perform manual transcriptions.

Normal GUI

Basic GUI + perform automated transcriptions.

Speech therapy GUI

The Normal GUI + several features built especially for speech therapists to work with.


You can use our API to process transcriptions in an automated fashion, no need to use our GUI.

Data ML Permission

You own the data, it's yours, but you allow us to use it for teaching our machine learning algorithms so we keep it around for that purpose.

Speaker identification

A feature where we detect individual speakers within the same audio channel so the transcripts will be separated into the right speaker column for you.

1GB Storage

We'll keep 1 GB of storage for you. Without storage, we'll process the transcript for you but don't hang on the original media.

10GB Storage

We'll keep 10 GB of storage for you. Without storage, we'll process the transcript for you but don't hang on the original media.

100GB Storage

We'll keep 100 GB of storage for you. Without storage, we'll process the transcript for you but don't hang on the original media.


You can upload video and pop it up whenever the audio isn't clear and you want to see the video along with the audio to make a better transcript.


Your transcript won't be put in a queue for processing but gets processed right away for realtime processing.

Forever free

€ 0,00 / month

Manual transcriptions

Basic GUI

Data ML Permission

Start plan


€ 9,00 / month

Max 2000 minutes per month

Normal GUI


Data ML Permission

Start plan


€ 19,00 / month

Max 1 transcription in parallel (meaning: you can transcribe as many files as you want but we'll queue them one after the other to process)

Normal GUI


1GB Storage

Start plan


€ 39,00 / month

Max 5 transcriptions in parallel + 1 realtime (meaning: you can transcribe as many files as you want and we'll process 5 of them at the same time, plus we'll be able to transcribe one stream in realtime)

Normal GUI



Speaker identification


10GB Storage

Start plan


€ 50,00 / month

Max 5 transcriptions in parallel + 1 realtime (meaning: you can transcribe as many files as you want and we'll process 5 of them at the same time, plus we'll be able to transcribe one stream in realtime)

Normal GUI



Speaker identification


100GB Storage

Start plan

Speech Therapy

€ 29,00 / month

One transcription in parallel. Extended functionalities for researchers and speech therapists

Normal GUI

Speech therapy GUI


Start plan